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Cryopreservation is an acceleration of genetic progress in the cattle-raising sector, for dairy as much as for meat.


Cryopreservation of semen is a process in which sperm are frozen at a very low temperature, so that their vital functions are suspended and can be recovered after thawing.


Evaluation of semen quality

Our laboratory has a CASA system (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) of last generation; this is software that analyzes the collection obtained to give an objective qualification of semen quality, evaluating in an objective way motility, concentration, vitality and morphology to guarantee the fertility of the semen when freezing it.


Packing and freezing process

It is made with the most modern precision packaging equipment sealing the straws by means of ultrasound, which avoids damaging the semen as it is done with traditional heat-based seals.

We offer 2 sizes of straws, 0.50 ml and 0.25 ml, which are customized with a laser printer with the information required by the client.

Our automated software freezes gradually from 5 ° to -120 ° Celsius avoiding stress and possible sperm damage. Subsequently the semen is placed in nitrogen bringing it to -196 ° Celsius to be stored.

All these processes are carried out under a 100% aseptic environment.




Stay of stallions

We have adequate facilities for the comfortable stay of stallions where they are evaluated and if necessary they are given a diet for an adequate nutrition and with this obtain a greater fertility in the collected doses.


Interested in our Services?

We provide assertive solutions for production and reproduction of your cattle.

Contact Us


We are an innovative Mexican company that offers reproductive biotechnologies allowing breeders and professionals in the sector to generate optimal strategies for the use of animal resources from the genetic point of view, achieving a more efficient production and reproduction in their livestock.


Av. Arboledas 1101, Col. Mercado de Abastos, C.P.44520. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

+52 33 3208 2600


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