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It is a technique by which the fertilization of the oocytes by the sperm takes place outside the body of the mother.


Our qualified veterinarians evaluate the capacity and adequate reproductive physiological conditions of donor cows.


The method of follicular aspiration is the obtaining of oocytes by the OPU technique (Ovum Pick Up), which consists in introducing an aspiration guide into the vagina, placing it in the ovary and then performing the puncture and aspiration of the follicles visualized with the help of the ultrasound

The quality of oocytes is evaluated and classified using selection criteria to obtain viable oocytes suitable for fertilization.


It is a laboratory technique that allows an ovule to be linked to a spermatozoon outside the uterus, in order to obtain embryos.

In this method we use English means with which we achieve an excellent stability of the oocytes creating an optimal environment for fertilization.



Viable oocytes are evaluated and chosen to be fertilized.

With this innovative ICSI method, fertilization is carried out offering the following advantages:

• Successful fertilization is achieved with semen doses of low sperm concentration.

•  It is possible to obtain a better use of high-cost semen, thanks to the micromanipulation of sperm, the oocytes are introduced one by one to fecundate, obtaining a greater number of embryos.


It is a technique of conservation and genetic backup that allows having a bank of embryos and being able to use them at any given time.

We offer the 2 following methods:

•   Freeze for direct transfer: freeze gradually from room temperature to -32 ° Celsius. The embryo is then placed in nitrogen, bringing it to -196 ° C to be stored.

• Vitrification: it consists of dehydrating the embryo gradually. Subsequently, it is placed in nitrogen, bringing it to -196 ° C to be stored.


For transfer we offer 3 methods:

• Fresh transfer: in this method the embryos are transferred 7 days post-fertilization, obtaining better pregnancy results for not suffering the stress of freezing.

• Devitrified: in this method the embryo is devitrified and rehydrated again obtaining the necessary characteristics to be transferred, with results very close to the previous method, with the advantage of having been preserved the desired time.

• Direct Transfer: it is the simplest method since the embryo is only thawed and transferred.


We have adequate facilities for the comfortable stay of donors where they are evaluated and if necessary diets are formulated for proper nutrition and with this obtain a greater number of oocytes in the follicular aspiration.


Obtaining a greater number of offspring per donor per year.

Have offspring of donors with more than one stallion at a time with a single aspiration.

Obtaining registration offspring regardless of the genetics of the recipients.

The use of semen is maximized, obtaining multiple pregnancies per dose used.

Obtaining offspring of donors that due to their longevity and / or acquired reproductive anomalies can no longer reproduce.

Obtaining oocytes from young donors from 10 to 12 months of age for the production of embryos, decreasing the generational interval.

It is not necessary to apply hormonal protocols to the donors to obtain the oocytes, which does not alter or compromise the reproductive life of the donor.

The aspiration frequency can be done every 21 days.

It is possible to obtain oocytes from donors up to 3 months of pregnancy.


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We provide assertive solutions for production and reproduction of your cattle.

Contact Us


We are an innovative Mexican company that offers reproductive biotechnologies allowing breeders and professionals in the sector to generate optimal strategies for the use of animal resources from the genetic point of view, achieving a more efficient production and reproduction in their livestock.


Av. Arboledas 1101, Col. Mercado de Abastos, C.P.44520. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

+52 33 3208 2600


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